Solar Panels: The Pros and Cons

Are you on the fence about going solar? Keep watching! We're sharing the pros and cons of solar, so you can determine if solar power is right for you.
In the last few decades alone, the price of electricity rose about 40% and it doesn't look like it will be slowing down. This is where solar power comes into play. On average, if you add solar panels to your home, you could save more than $1,000 per year on your electric bill. Over several years, this single thousand can turn into several thousand. This number can also vary depending on the cost of electricity in your area. In some cases, if your solar panels are producing more power than you're consuming, you can actually sell this extra energy to utility companies in exchange for solar energy credits. These credits are tax credits and can be used on income taxes. This is a great way to save a little bit, or sometimes a lot, of extra money.
Solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells, require sunlight to generate energy. But this does not mean you can't use solar power at all during the night. With a battery for solar energy storage, you can use the energy your solar panels generated during the day to power your home at night. However, if you do not have a solar battery, you, unfortunately, will not be able to harness your solar energy during nighttime.
Once you're without power, what do you do? This is the terrible truth if relying on the power grid. Solar power, however, can save you from this reliance if you invest in a solar battery that allows you to store your solar power. Since you are getting your power from the sun instead of external sources, you can live comfortably off the electrical grid. Another side of this is that you are also being economically independent with solar panels. Instead of relying on foreign coal, oil, and gas which are always becoming more expensive, you have your own steady flow of electricity from the comfort of your home.
While solar panels overall are great for helping the environment, the manufacturing of solar panels is not 100% eco-friendly. This is because of the materials solar panels are made of. For example, most solar panels contain sulfur hexafluoride, a compound that is harmful to the environment. It is particularly when old solar panels are disposed of that solar pollutants are introduced to the environment. However, it is important to note that, when compared to burning fossil fuels, any adverse environmental impacts of solar panels are minimal.
Depending on the cost of solar panels in your area, your solar panels can easily make back their worth within a few years. As long as you don't plan on moving too soon after going solar, there's no need to worry about losing your money to solar panels.
It is important to keep in mind that solar panels need plenty of space when being installed on your roof so they can absorb optimal amounts of solar energy. If your house is small or has a cramped roof, this can be a problem. Other than that, if your house is surrounded by a cluster of trees or anything else that prevents the sun from hitting your roof, this can be a problem when installing solar. This is why before going solar it's important to talk with a professional solar contractor for an opinion.
If you're still debating whether going solar is what you want, check out our website and learn more about solar energy!